Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So it turns out life everyonce in a while throws you a new lesson... Yesterdays lesson was do not go running / jogging on the treadmil with 'skater' shoes. Grant it these are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned and I love them (Vans), they are not good for running.

That being said, I thought I would write about my meeting with Pearl. Her real name is not Pearl, nor do I know her however she struck me as a person who would have such a name. As
I was walking out of Jitters to my car this woman drives up in her 2008 "mid life crisis car" (I think a cougar convertible) and asks "Excuse me young man, do you knwo what this is..." and points to her dashboard (by the way, she is at least 90 years old). Upon further inspection it turns out her hazards are on. I told her that and she just stared at me like a dear in head lights. I then told her that she needed to push the button that she first pushed to get the hazards on... deer in head lights... I then told her to look for an orange triangle and push it. She just acted like I told her that I not only gave birth to a cow, but then raised it on my own, sent it to the Moon for after school work, then slaughtered it and consumed it myself, all in a 2 week time span. I then looked around and found it on her dash, and told her "It's OK, just push that..." She did, then looked happy said thanks and literally peeled out. It was odd... I think she might have stolen it. God bless you Pearl, you provided me entertainment!

1 comment:

caj-trixie said...

Wow... that's special. XD